In this game, you and your group you adopt a role (character) and your goal is to overcome missions to move up a level and get to the top.

Your story unfolds in the year numero-image-animated-0012 numero-image-animated-0020 numero-image-animated-0016 numero-image-animated-0016 , At that homo sapiens it has evolved into something different.

At that moment you begin your story that you will be journalists and I intend to cooperate in a television prog ramme planetari where sob re s the influence of ICT will be discussed in society 50 years ago. In the dev branch will participate much smarter robots so you have to prepar rings thoroughly to achieve stand out. To do this you have to documentaros analyzing your relationship with technology when you were 14 years and IREI s advancing level. ICT - related seek in newspapers l 2016 to continue to do cumentándoos news and as i po der conseguiréis give your opinion argued in the program.
L legaréis to have worldwide fame as ICT experts early twenty - first century and I propose to collaborate on a monograph on mobile phones at the time. To inform you have to remember how you lived a day without even moving when i bais to itutu inst. When you advance in level You will inform you about the apps at that time and if your habilid ades will allow it to become Eis pod awarded the international prize for journalism to get to know where the phones were made and what consequences they had at the time.

Every week subirremos a new mission that will appear in the section News .

You can see all levels . To move from one level to another you have to overcome a level missions that will be published gradually. In addition you can perform other missions to score, They supply game points. Each mission is assigned a certain game points.

The score can be redeemed for positive note class. Each week will modify the overall standings (here) where the score of all participating students see.


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